Quick & Easy Bezel with Melody McDuffee

Viola Jo Studio 37 Tubac Road, Tubac, AZ, United States

March 6 Level: Beginner Cost: $25 RSVP for classes:  violajostudio@gmail.com or call 520-398-2240


Multi-bangles with Melody McDuffee

Viola Jo Studio 37 Tubac Road, Tubac, AZ, United States

March 7 Level: Beginner Cost: $25 RSVP for classes:  violajostudio@gmail.com or call 520-398-2240


Chandelier Earrings with Melody McDuffee

Viola Jo Studio 37 Tubac Road, Tubac, AZ, United States

March 8 Level: Adventurous/Intermediate Cost: $45 RSVP for classes:  violajostudio@gmail.com or call 520-398-2240
